International Program License Agreement _______________________________________ Part 1 - General Terms ______________________ PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE PROGRAM. IBM WILL ONLY LICENSE THE PROGRAM TO YOU IF YOU FIRST ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT BY USING THE PROGRAM. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, PROMPTLY NOTIFY THE PRO- VIDER OF THE PROGRAM AND REQUEST A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT YOU PAID. The Program is owned by International Busi- ness Machines Corporation or one of its sub- sidiaries (IBM) or an IBM supplier, and is copyrighted and licensed, not sold. IBM grants you a nonexclusive license for the Program. If IBM grants you multiple licenses for the Program, the terms of this Agreement apply to each license. The term "Program" means the original program and all whole or partial copies of it, including portions merged into other programs. A Program consists of machine-readable instructions, audio/visual content (such as images, text, recordings, or pictures), and related licensed materials. THIS AGREEMENT INCLUDES PART 1 - GENERAL TERMS AND PART 2 - COUNTRY UNIQUE TERMS. THE TERMS OF PART 2 MAY REPLACE OR MODIFY THOSE OF PART 1. "LICENSE INFORMATION," WHICH IBM PROVIDES FOR THE PROGRAM, MAY CONTAIN ADDITIONAL TERMS REGARDING THE PROGRAM. ANY SUCH ADDI- TIONAL TERMS ARE PART OF THIS AGREEMENT. 1.License _________ USE OF THE PROGRAM You may use the Program on only one machine at any one time, except as otherwise stated in this section. You agree to ensure that anyone who uses the Program (accessed either locally or remotely) does so only for your authorized use and complies with the terms of this Agreement. A Program is considered to be in use when it resides in memory or is otherwise stored on a machine. A Program stored on a network server solely for the purpose of being dis- tributed to other machines is not considered to be in use. IBM specifies charges for Programs based on how much you use a Program (for example, the number of users), resources (for example, processor size), or a combination of both. For a Program managed by a license manage- ment tool, copies may be made and stored on machines under control of that tool, but your use may not exceed the total number of users or amount of resource authorized. Certain Programs IBM designates for home or travel use may be stored on the primary and another machine, provided the Program is not in active use on both machines at the same time. You may 1) copy the Program for backup and 2) merge the Program into another program. You must reproduce the copyright notice and any other legend of ownership on each copy, or partial copy, of the Program. You may use any portion of the Program IBM marks restricted (for example, "Restricted Mate- rials of IBM") only to 1) resolve problems related to the use of the Program and 2) modify the Program so that it will work together with other products. You may not: 1) use, copy, merge, or transfer the Program except as provided in this Agreement; 2) reverse assemble, reverse compile, or otherwise translate the Program except as specifically permitted by law without the possibility of contractual waiver; or 3) sublicense, rent or lease the Program. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS You may transfer all your rights and obli- gations under a license for a Program to another party, unless IBM specifies other- wise in its License Information. To transfer such rights and obligations, you must transfer a copy of this Agreement, the License Information, all other documentation (including proof of entitlement), and at least one complete, unaltered copy of the Program to the other party. Your license is then terminated. A Program which IBM licenses in multiples of two or more (for example, as a pack) may only be transferred in its entirety. In this case, individual licenses may not be transferred. 2. CHARGES, PAYMENT, AND TAXES ______________________________ Payment must be made to the party (either IBM or its reseller) from whom you acquired the Program. If you acquired the Program from IBM, you agree to pay as IBM specifies. If any authority imposes a duty, tax, levy or fee (excluding those based on IBM's net income) on the Program supplied by IBM under this Agreement, you agree to pay that amount as IBM specifies or supply appropriate exemption documentation. You agree to notify IBM or its reseller and pay any applicable charges if you change the number of users or amount of resource authorized. IBM does not give refunds or credits for charges already due or paid. 3. LIMITED WARRANTY ___________________ For certain Programs IBM warrants that when they are used in the specified operating environment they will conform to their spec- ifications. IBM does not warrant uninter- rupted or error-free operation of a Program. The warranty period for a Program expires when its Program services are no longer available. IBM will specify in its License Information if a Program is warranted or not warranted. During the warranty period warranty service is provided, without charge, through defect- related Program services. Program services are available for at least one year fol- lowing a Program's general availability. Therefore, the duration of warranty service depends on when you obtain your license. If a Program does not function as warranted during the first year after you obtain your license and IBM is unable to make it do so, you may return the Program to the party (either IBM or its reseller) from whom you acquired it and your money will be refunded. To be eligible, you must have acquired the Program while Program services (regardless of the remaining duration) were available for it. THESE WARRANTIES REPLACE ALL OTHER WARRAN- TIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. These warranties give you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdic- tion. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warran- ties, so the above exclusion or limitation may not apply to you. In that event such warranties are limited in duration to the warranty period. No warranties apply after that period. 4. PROGRAM SERVICES ___________________ Defect-related Program services are provided for warranted Programs and for selected other Programs. If your reported problem can be reproduced in the specified operating environment, defect correction information, a restriction or a bypass will be issued. Program services are provided only for the unmodified portion of a current release of a Program. Information regarding how you may obtain Program services will be provided by the party (either IBM or its reseller) from whom you acquired the Program. The duration of Program services is specified in the License Information. 5. PATENTS AND COPYRIGHTS _________________________ If a third party claims that a Program IBM provides to you infringes that party's patent or copyright, IBM will, at its expense, defend you against that claim and pay all costs, damages, and attorney's fees that a court finally awards, provided that you 1) promptly notify IBM in writing of the claim and 2) allow IBM to control, and coop- erate with IBM in, the defense and any related settlement negotiations. If such a claim is made or appears likely to be made, you agree to permit IBM to enable you to continue to use the Program, or to modify it, or replace it with one that is at least functionally equivalent. If IBM determines that none of these alternatives is reason- ably available, you agree to return the Program to IBM on IBM's written request. IBM will then give you a credit for a one- time charge Program, provided its total charges have been fully paid. This is IBM's entire obligation to you regarding any claim of infringement. IBM has no obligation regarding any claim based on any of the fol- lowing: 1) your modification of a Program; 2) the combination, operation, or use of a Program with any programs, data, or appa- ratus that IBM did not provide; or 3) infringement by a non-IBM Program. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY __________________________ Regardless of the basis on which you may be entitled to recover damages from IBM, for any claim (including fundamental breach, negligence, misrepresentation or other tort), IBM's liability will only be for 1) payments referred to in the patents and cop- yrights terms described above; 2) bodily injury (including death), and damage to real property and tangible personal property; and 3) the amount of any other actual direct damages or loss, up to the greater of the equivalent of U.S. $100,000 in your local currency or IBM's then generally available license charge for the Program. IBM WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR FOR ANY ECONOMIC CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR SAVINGS), EVEN IF IBM, OR ITS RESELLER, HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSI- BILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IBM will not be liable for 1) loss of, or damage to, your records or data or 2) any damages claimed by you based on any third party claim. This limitation of liability also applies to any developer of a Program supplied to IBM. It is the maximum for which we are collec- tively responsible. 7. GENERAL __________ You may terminate your license at any time. If you do so, all your license rights to the Program are terminated. You may keep a copy of the Program in your archives. IBM may terminate your license if you fail to comply with the terms of this Agreement. If IBM does so, all your license rights to the Program are terminated and you must destroy all your copies of it. You agree to comply with all applicable export laws and regulations. Neither party may bring a legal action under this Agreement more than two years after the cause of action arose. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Program. Part 2 - Country Unique Terms _____________________________ AUSTRALIA: These terms may replace or modify those of Part 1 of the IPLA. Limited Warranty (Section 3): The warranties specified this Section are in addition to any rights you may have under the Trade Practices Act or other legislation and are only limited to the extent permitted by the applicable legislation. Limitation of Liability (Section 6): The following paragraph is added to this Section: Where IBM is in breach of a condition or warranty implied by the Trade Practices Act 1974, IBM's liability is limited to: (a) where IBM supplied services - the cost of having the services supplied again; or (b) where IBM supplied goods - the repair or replacement of the goods, or the supply of equivalent goods. Where that condition or warranty relates to right to sell, quiet possession or clear title, or the goods are of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use or consumption, then none of the limitations in this paragraph apply. CANADA: These terms may replace or modify those of Part 1 of the IPLA: General (Section 7): This Agreement is governed by the lase of the Province of Ontario. CENTRAL EUROPE & RUSSIA: These terms may replace or modify those of Part 1 of the IPLA: General (Section 7): This Agreement is governed by the material laws of Austria. All disputes and controversies between the parties arising out of, or in connection with, this Agreement or its implementation, performance or interpretation, shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration and Reconcilliation of the Arbitral Centre in Vienna (Vienna Rules) by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with said Rules. The arbitration shall be held in Vienna, Austria. The official language of the proceedings shall be English. The decision of the arbitrators shall be final and binding upon both parties and therefore, the parties pursuant to paragraph 598(2) of the Austrian Code of Civil Procedure, expressly waive the application of paragraph 595(1), figure 7 of said Code. The clauses set forth above shall, however, in no way limit our right to institute proceedings in any competent court. ESTONIA, LATVIA, LITHUANIA: These terms may replace or modify those of Part 1 of the IPLA: General (Section 7): All disputes arising in connection with the present Agreement shall be finally settled in Arbitration. Each party shall appoint one arbitrator and they shall jointly appoint the chairman. If they cannot agree on the chairman, then the chairman shall be appointed by the Central Chamber of Commerce in Helsinki. In the Arbitration the law on Arbitration will be adhered to. Finnish law shall apply. The arbitrators shall come together in Helsinki. ISRAEL: These terms may replace or modify those of Part 1 of the IPLA: General (Section 7): The limitation on bringing a legal action will be according to the law of limitation provided a notification concerning the cause of action was sent no more than two years after the cause of action arose or became known to plaintiff. IRELAND: These terms may replace or modify those of Part 1 of the IPLA: Limited Warranty (Section 3): No statement in this Agreement shall affect the statutory rights of consumers. NEW ZEALAND: These terms may replace or modify those of Part 1 of the IPLA: Limited Warranty (Section 3): The warranties specified in this Section are in addition to any rights you may have under the Consumers Guarantee Act 1993 or other legislation which cannot be excluded or limited. The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 will not apply in respect of any goods or services which IBM provides, if you require the goods or services for the purposes of a business as defined in that Act. Limitation of Liability (Section 6): The following paragraph should be added to this Section: Where products or services are not acquired for the purposes of a business as defined in the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, the limitations in this Section are subject to the limitations in that Act. UNITED KINGDOM: These terms may replace or modify those of Part 1 of the IPLA: Limitation of Liability (Section 6): The second paragraph of this Section is replaced by the words: This limitation will not apply to claims for death or personal injury or physical damage to your tangible property caused by the negligence of IBM or to any breach of IBM's obligations implied by Section 12 of the Sales of Goods Act 1979 or Section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA These terms may replace or modify those of Part 1 of the IPLA: General (Section 7): This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York. LICENSE INFORMATION PROGRAM NAME IBM AntiVirus SPECIFIED OPERATING ENVIRONMENT The Program Specifications and Specified Operating Environment information may be found in the Installation/Users Guide provided with this program. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Authorization for Copy and Use on Home/Portable Computer Yes; under the terms stated in the IPLA. Transfer of Program Program is fully transferable. Proof of Entitlement The Proof of Entitlement for this program should be retained in order to support eligibility provided by IBM or its authorized reseller for warranty services, future upgrade program prices (if announced), potential special or promotional opportunities (if any), and as evidence of the end user's authorized use of this IBM licensed program. Program Upgrade If you acquire this program as an upgrade from another program, your license is contingent upon the new program replacing the old program. You agree to destroy the replaced IBM program. Program Services AVAILABILITY/DURATION OF PROGRAM SERVICES: Program services will be available until 1998/07/01 IBM AntiVirus Statement of Service IBM provides defect support through Program Services. A defect related problem means the program does not conform to specifications and could be either a code or documentation error. For information on how you may access Program Services, or other fee-based support services, please contact IBM or its reseller from whom you acquired this program. Warranty Yes. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by the GSA ADP Schedule Contract with the IBM Corporation. Any other documentation with respect to this licensed program, including any such documentation referenced herein, is provided for information purposes only and does not extend or modify the material contained in the License Information.